Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Scholarships for African Women in 2012-2013

Here are available scholarships for African women to study for Postgraduate and Undergraduate programmes. Some of these are niche scholarship programs specifically for women. You can also apply for other international scholarships that are not gender specific. The scholarships aim to encourage women to further education in several fields of study.

Google Anita Borg Memorial Scholarship for Women in Africa, Europe and the Middle East

Mba Degrees

Google aim to encourage women from the international community to excel in computing and technology through the Google Anita Borg Memorial Scholarship offered for women in Africa, Europe and the Middle East. The scholarship is for female Undergraduate and postgraduate students.

Scholarships for African Women in 2012-2013

PEO International Peace Scholarship

The PEO International Peace Scholarship Fund provides scholarships for selected women from other countries for graduate study in the United States and Canada. P.E.O. aims to help qualified women who desire higher education and are in need of financial assistance.

Fondation Rainbow Bridge MBA Scholarship

The FRB enables young women scholars to enrich their academic background by obtaining an HEC MBA in France. Women applying for the Scholarship Award must come from an African country affected by a natural disaster, drought or famine.

Deutsche Bank Scholarships for Women at London Business School

The Deutsche Bank scholarships are awarded to MBA and Masters in Finance female students in the AMOUNT of £20,000 each.

Fellowships for Women Scientists in Developing countries and Africa

The Third World Organization for Women in Science (TWOWS) with funds generously provided by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida), has instituted a fellowship programme for female students from Sub-Saharan Africa and Least Developed Countries (LDCs), who wish to pursue postgraduate training leading to a Ph.D., at centres of excellence in the South (developing countries), outside their own country.

Canon Collins Trust South Africa scholarship programme

Canon Collins Trust awards postgraduate scholarships for southern African Students including Angola, Botswana, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland, Zambia and Zimbabwe- to study in South Africa. The Trust offers Full Scholarship for study in South Africa are for women of rural origin under the Graça Machel scholarship scheme.

Global Fund for Women Grants

The Global Fund for Women supports women's groups that advance the human rights of women and girls. The Organization strengthen women's right groups based outside the United States by providing small, flexible, and timely grants ranging from 0to ,000 for operating and program expenses.

AAUW Scholarships and Grants for Women -Postgraduate Fellowship in USA

American Association of University Women (AAUW) Educational Foundation Fellowships and Grants is available for women who are not US citizens or Permanent resident in the United States. Priority is given to students from developing countries including African Students.

IFUW International Scholarship for Women-Fellowships and Grants

The International Federation of University Women offers a limited number of international fellowships and grants to women graduates for postgraduate research, study and training.

Nestle MBA Scholarships for Women in Developing Countries

The Nestlé Scholarship for Women was initiated by a group of IMD- Switzerland- MBA (Masters in Business Administration) participants who desired to encourage women to take the MBA courses. Preference is given to women from developing countries. Accepted female candidates must demonstrate financial need.

This is a good place to start. Get a more comprehensive list of scholarships for African women for 2012/2013 from the link below.

Scholarships for African Women in 2012-2013

Hard Drive Recovery

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Types of Innovation

Creativity can be defined as problem identification and idea generation whilst innovation can be defined as idea selection, development and commercialisation.

There are other useful definitions in this field, for example, creativity can be defined as consisting of a number of ideas, a number of diverse ideas and a number of novel ideas.

Mba Degrees

There are distinct processes that enhance problem identification and idea generation and, similarly, distinct processes that enhance idea selection, development and commercialisation. Whilst there is no sure fire route to commercial success, these processes improve the probability that good ideas will be generated and selected and that investment in developing and commercialising those ideas will not be wasted.

Types of Innovation

Types of Innovation

Tidd et al (2005) argue that there are four types of innovation; consequently the innovator has four pathways to investigate when searching for good ideas:

a) Product Innovation - new products or improvements on products. The new Mini or the updated VX Beetle, new models of mobile phones and so on.

b) Process Innovation - where some part of the process is improved to bring benefit. Just in Time is a good example.

c) Positioning Innovation - Lucozade used to be a medicinal drink but the was repositioned as a sports drink.

d) Paradigm Innovation - where major shifts in thinking cause change. During the time of the expensive mainframe, Bill Gates and others aimed to provide a home computer for everyone.

These and other topics are covered in depth in the MBA dissertation on Managing Creativity & Innovation, which can be purchased (along with an Innovation Bible, Creativity and Innovation DIY Audit, Good Idea Generator Software and Power Point Presentation) from

You can also receive a regular, free newsletter by entering your email address at this site.

Kal Bishop, MBA


You are free to reproduce this article as long as no changes are made and the author's name and site URL are retained.

Types of Innovation

Trading Stocks

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Bachelor Degree - What Is The Best One?

There's no question that the best bachelor degree to get in college is one that prepares you for an actual career. This way, when you get out of college you have a definite path to follow and a more likely chance to land a job. So just what is the best bachelor degree to get? Is there a best degree? Answering this question is nowhere near as easy as asking it.

Before we do, let's start by saying that there are some degrees that you can get that literally prepare you for almost nothing. It makes you wonder why they even offer them at all. Some people say it's for those who just don't know what they want to do. Others think it's because some people can't handle the more difficult curriculums of the degrees that are more precisely targeted to a specific field.

Mba Degrees

So what are these degrees that prepare you for just about nothing? The list is actually as long as your right arm but we'll mention just a few of the more popular ones.

Bachelor Degree - What Is The Best One?

Psychology is a real favorite for many students. There's kind of a cool thing to tell people that you're a psych major. Unless you're going to become a psychologist, which is really going to take more than just a degree in psychology, there's really not much you can do with a bachelor degree in psychology. Sociology is another one that's pretty high on the useless meter, unless of course you're going to be a sociologist? Ever wonder what a sociologist does?

Then there are those who major in things like English Literature. You really have to wonder what somebody with a bachelor degree in English Literature is going to do aside from trying to maybe get a job in the theater or go into teaching.

That is what a lot of these kids do who take these courses that really don't have a definitive path. They end up going back to school to get a masters in their chosen discipline or maybe even something else and then with a masters they can get a job teaching at a university. It was probably the last thing they wanted to do, but it's a job.

The sad truth is, a lot of kids who get a bachelor degree in some obscure discipline, end up going to work at a Burger King. Maybe if they're lucky, with their education, they do get a management position.

The truth is, the best degrees to get are the ones that prepare you for a definite field such as accounting. A degree in accounting prepares you to be an accountant, period. And with all the crazy tax laws changing all the time, we're always going to need a good accountant. A bachelor degree in engineering is another good one. Pretty much the only thing you're going to be when you're done is some kind of engineer.

So while there may not be one best bachelor degree, practically speaking anyway, some are definitely better than others.

Bachelor Degree - What Is The Best One?

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Friday, April 27, 2012

Bachelor Degree - BA Vs. BS

There are a lot of people who wonder why some bachelor degrees, when you get them, designate you as a bachelor of arts and other bachelor degrees designate you as a bachelor of science. Well, the answer is very simple.

A Bachelor of Arts degree goes to somebody who gets a bachelor degree in any non-technical, or science related field. A Bachelor of Science degree goes to somebody who does get a degree in a science related field. The designations are set up by the colleges themselves.

Mba Degrees

So, what's the difference? Does it really matter?

Bachelor Degree - BA Vs. BS

The answer to that question may shock you. It matters very much.

The reasons will not be immediately apparent to the student, but when he or she goes into the real world to get a job, they are going to be in for a rude awakening if they're looking for a specific type of job and don't have a bachelor of science degree.

If you're scratching your head wondering why this even matters, the answer is as follows. Most Bachelor of Science programs are a little more intense than a Bachelor of Arts program. In other words, in addition to the degree having to be in a science related field, the degree itself will contain more required courses than a Bachelor of Arts degree. Of course this varies from college to college, but within each school the bachelor of science program is always more intense than the bachelor of arts program. There may be one more required course per semester, or more science courses required. The bottom line translation is, the program is harder to get through; in some cases, a lot harder.

So why does this matter? Well, there are certain jobs, such as in the fields of engineering, chemistry and physics, just to name a few, where if you look in the classified ads in your local paper, it will clearly say, "bachelor of science degree required". So if you graduated college with a bachelor of arts degree, you won't be able to apply for that job. Oh, you can still send in your resumé, but don't expect to be called in for an interview.

Now, here is where this becomes very important. There are some colleges that will allow you to get a Bachelor of Arts degree in math, which is technically one of the sciences. The program doesn't have as many requirements. So when you graduate, while you technically have a degree in one of the sciences, because of the fact that you don't have a bachelor of science degree, you will not be eligible for that particular job that says "bachelor of science degree required".

It may seem like a nit picky thing, but these companies want to know that you can get through the tougher curriculum. They want to know that you have a good chance of being able to handle the job that you're applying for. Is there a really big difference between a bachelor of arts and bachelor of science degree? In an undergraduate program, probably not too much. But in the minds of the companies, where there is so much competition for jobs, it is a big deal.

Bachelor Degree - BA Vs. BS

Car Accident Insurance Claims

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Pros and Cons of Doing an MBA

Today, MBA is one of the most popular degree programs in all over the world. It equipped you with knowledge and skills which are necessary to run business successfully. It is your ticket to highly successful and rewarding career.

Here are Pros of why you should consider Doing MBA:

Mba Degrees

It gives you detailed knowledge about business and its policies which takes you straight to high level managerial position in a company. You will get higher salary then someone without MBA degree. It helps you stay competitive in today's business world. Very Less chances of failure when starting your own business. It provides huge networking opportunity through fellow students, faculty and other peoples you meet during your MBA program which enhances your professional credentials. Gain leadership Skills and confidence to excel in life.

Pros and Cons of Doing an MBA

Here are the Cons of Why you might want to hold off investing in MBA Degree:

It is very expensive in terms of money and time. Small companies may consider you as "too expensive" to hire. It requires high changes on your personal lives. Sometimes it is hard to do everything well. Some employers prefers a person with years of experience than having an MBA Degree

These are just few pros and cons of doing MBA. By understanding few of these pros and cons you will be able to make a more well informed decision on whether you should pursue MBA or not. It's a serious decision that can have long lasting effects on your career. So take your time, do proper research of  MBA Colleges and take a wise decision.

Pros and Cons of Doing an MBA

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Tuesday, April 17, 2012

How Much Will You Make With an MBA?

If you are like thousands of other students out there, you are considering getting your MBA or Masters in Business Administration. While we all have our own unique motivations for getting the degree of our choice, the amount of money we'll be making with our degrees is usually of paramount importance. However, not everyone who earns an MBA can be expected to earn the maximum amount of money available for a number of reasons, such as the amount of prestige attached to a particular school's MBA program, the type of connections you have once you graduate and the type of business you pursue once you have your degree. Let's take a look at how all three of these variables influence what you can make with your MBA degree.

According to recent statistics, it really is worth staying in school to get your MBA. Starting salary numbers jump significantly when you have your MBA from approximately ,000 a year to ,000 a year. When you extrapolate that five years into the future, the earning gap is even larger, with most MBA students earning well over 0,000. There are a number of things that can influence that earning potential, however.

Mba Degrees

Almost every major university in North America has an MBA program, but not all MBAs are created equally. Just as there are some schools that specialize in microbiology and others that churn out exceptional surgeons, some schools are better known for having solid MBA programs. You can significantly increase your earning potential by graduating from a school like Harvard that has an established MBA program that is highly respected as opposed to graduating from a school that has just started an MBA program.

How Much Will You Make With an MBA?

As many of you know, the real world is less about what you know and more about who you know. Our professors try to hammer into our heads how important it is to network while we're in school and when you look at the influence networking has on MBA earning potential, you'll see why. Many times, things like our resumes, where we graduated in our class and the grades we received on our final exams mean very little if you know someone who can start your career off on the right foot. Perhaps more than any other single factor, who you know can determine how much you will make right out of school with your MBA.

Finally, not all types of companies give the same kind of rewards. Just like social work tends to be the lowest earning degree one can get, if you affiliate yourself with a law firm or another business that rakes in the cash, you will likely find significantly higher earning numbers over the life of your degree. The question that many of us have to ask at one time or another is how happy you'll be working at the job your MBA earns you. Will the extra cash bring you genuine happiness or will working at a job that helps to make the world a better place be a more significant reward?

Earning potential with your MBA is a major concern that almost every student has, however, putting a price on happiness is something that no one can do.

How Much Will You Make With an MBA?

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Friday, April 13, 2012

Best Medical Coding and Billing Online Courses

How can you find and know what are the best medical coding and billing online courses? Not all of them are offering you all types of accreditation. You should first see if they offer specialized or just general courses and you should choose the one that is providing the type of knowledge and specialization you aim for.

You should see how flexible are with deadlines and compare with your own time frame. Some schools have a tide schedule that you might not be able to meet. On the other hand, with a tide schedule you will finish it faster.

Mba Degrees

To choose the best medical coding and billing online courses you should always look for details. Some of them are nationally accredited; some of them are regional accredited. The number of programs is different in number and types of specializations they offer. Take a look or ask for a full program. Also you should ask for all costs involved. If there are applications fees or not, if any additional books will make you spend some extra money, if the final exam costs are included or if you can get any financial aid and what would be the terms.

Best Medical Coding and Billing Online Courses

Also you should look at what types of degrees they offer - Associate's, Bachelor's or Certificates. The best medical coding and billing online courses are offering also Master's or even MBA, very useful if you want to turn this type of job in a business opportunity. Not all of them are offering all types of degrees. Or at least you should look for the course that is providing the degrees you need for depending on how committed or not you are for a career. Don't forget to check if you can get the final degrees via internet or not.

When you are looking for the best medical coding and billing online courses don't hesitate to search for reviews, ratings, opinions or even get in touch with people who attended one course or another. Sometimes, the official information you get on a website might not perfectly match with real life.

Best Medical Coding and Billing Online Courses

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Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Benefits Of The MBA Degree

MBA education is considered to be one of the best in the world of business and finance. This opinion was formed after years of hard work and numerous improvements into the MBA program in the best schools. Master of Business Administration graduates have high quality knowledge in the field finance, marketing, accounting and can contribute a lot to an organization. All employers are aware of the benefits that they can get from MBA graduates that is why people with the degree are in great demand. This is one of the advantages that you get from your investments of time and money pursuing MBA degree. In this hard time of financial crisis, when unemployment is high as never, you need something that will distinguish your resume among numerous others. And there is no better option as a booster for a career in the business world than the Master of Business Administration degree.

Apart from that you can expect increased salary comparing with other "common" employees which is essentially higher. For example, in 2010 a working professional with the degree earned approximately 6,000 per year that is 30% more than those without it. Whatever discipline you will choose for your future career, MBA can assist you in developing your skills and getting promotion at your job. There are many disciplines to pursue in the field like accounting, business management, economics, finance, global management, information system, marketing, strategic, technology management, and human resources. Each of them is important in the business world and you can become a high-class expert in any of them if you choose MBA as your second degree.

Mba Degrees

However, the ideal knowledge of your subject is not the only key to success. Your personal skills, including social and communication, are very important as well. That is why most programs include special courses that help to obtain and develop these qualities.

Benefits Of The MBA Degree

Depending on the region of your living, program that you choose and some other factors, the price can vary from school to school. The top ranked MBA schools can charge as much as ,000 a year. However, you will see that this investment will pay back soon after you start working. Remember that this is an investment in your future and you should choose only the best options like Master of Business Administration course.

Benefits Of The MBA Degree

Online Bachelors Degrees

Friday, April 6, 2012

I Want To Attend College, But What Is The Right Degree For Me?

Sound familiar? You are not alone. After all, junior high and high school curriculum has basically dictated your areas of study until this point. Rest assured that many young adults do not yet know what profession they want to pursue upon graduating high school at age eighteen.

The good news is that you can begin college now and still have time to make an informed decision about your major. Most college degree programs require that you take a set of core classes for any degree, which can keep you busy for the first year or two of college while you assess which degree program to explore further. While you are enrolled in basics such as English, Math, Foreign Language and other required core classes, use the opportunity to speak with professors, advisors, other students and professionals who are familiar with fields you are interested in pursuing. You may want to take (or just attend) classes within majors you are considering. Choosing a degree program is a major decision that will affect the types of jobs for which you qualify after college, and one that warrants your time and attention.

Mba Degrees

Deciding on a major requires taking an honest look your goals, your personality, your strengths and weaknesses, and what you truly want out of life and your career. When you enter the workforce after college, your job will become a significant part of your everyday life. Research what specific positions you can obtain with different degrees, and use that information as a guide in your decision. For example, just because you love history does not mean that you should get a degree in history, unless you have determined that a job you would love requires that you have a history degree. If you cannot imagine sitting at a desk for eight (or more) hours per day, you should probably consider professions that will not require you to do so. If you love art and thrive on the creative process, look into fields that accommodate your talents and desires. Research real job openings to help determine what degree would set you up for the types of jobs that would satisfy you.

I Want To Attend College, But What Is The Right Degree For Me?

While speaking with counselors and professors is a great way to learn more about the jobs available for graduates in a particular field, speaking with people in the workforce and visiting places of employment can give you the best insight into what specific positions entail. Look for every opportunity to get more information about jobs in a field you are considering, even if it requires pressing the limits of your comfort zone. Many companies do not mind giving tours to interested college students, which can be a great way to learn more about jobs in a particular field as well as make connections. Other resources may be so obvious you have not even noticed them, such as the knowledge of your parents, their friends and other relatives. There are likely professionals in your life who are active in different industries who can provide valuable advice and guidance about the job market.

While the advice of your parents, relatives and other trusted individuals should certainly be valued and respected, do not disregard your own instincts when making this important decision for your future. Many parents have biased views about what career direction they want to see their children follow. Some parents want their children to follow in their footsteps, while others want to prevent their children from making the same career mistakes as they made themselves. Either way, you and only you will enter the workforce armed with the knowledge and skills acquired through earning your degree. Only you have the power to select a degree program that prepares you for the work that will prove satisfying to you. In selecting your major, be diligent in researching the opportunities it will afford you and make a decision with which you will be truly satisfied when you walk across the stage on graduation day.

I Want To Attend College, But What Is The Right Degree For Me?


Tuesday, April 3, 2012

College Degree Costs - Online Degrees vs Traditional Degrees

Affordable college education is still possible in both online format and traditional campus based education. Tuition at an online degree education program is often similar to that of a traditional campus based college or university. The average cost of tuition, fees, books and supplies at a public four-year college or university is ,000. At a private school these cost can increase to ,000.

Tuition for the same education through a four-year online program will be similar. However, at a traditional campus based college or university the additional cost of room and board, and transportation can push the costs of a four-year education at a public school to ,000 and at a private school to 0,000!

Mba Degrees

It is easy to see the financial advantage of attending an online program vs a traditional campus based program. But are you getting what you are paying for?

College Degree Costs - Online Degrees vs Traditional Degrees

According to the Sloan Consortium, which monitors online education, 62% of academic advisors believe an online degree to be as good as, or better than a traditional education. This percentage continues to rise each year, as more and more students take advantage of an online college education program. Approximately 3.2 million students are currently earning their degree through online degree programs.

Since most online students, currently are older with job and family obligations, it is clear that reducing cost for obtaining an education are of utmost importance. An online degree program is a clear winner.

As high school students are increasingly exposed to online courses the future for online degree programs continues to look bright. Many will simply slide into an online college degree program.

Online websites will give you more information about the types of programs and courses that are available, financial information and application forms. Why don't you find out more?

College Degree Costs - Online Degrees vs Traditional Degrees

Laser Eyes

Friday, March 30, 2012

Top Ten One-Year MBA Programs

One-year MBA programs are perfect for people who already have a master's or graduate degree in a complimentary subject and for those who cannot afford to spend two years of their life in school or far from their families. Whatever your reason may be, here is a list of some of the top one-year MBAs around the world.

Northwestern University

Mba Degrees

Kellogg School of Management

Top Ten One-Year MBA Programs

Location: Evanston, Illinois, USA

Program: One-Year MBA

Ranking: #5 by US News and World Report, #3 by BusinessWeek, #19 by Financial Times

Description: This 12-month program at Northwestern focuses on core courses during the summer and electives during the following year. The program is tailored for students who possess an undergraduate or graduate degree in business.

Tuition: One-Year MBA Program ,580


Location: Fontainebleau, France or Singapore

Program: MBA

Ranking: #7 by Financial Times, #9 International by the Wall Street Journal, #6 by BusinessWeek

Description: INSEAD offers two campuses and two start dates. Students can choose to apply to the European campus in Fontainebleau, France or to the Asian campus in Singapore. In addition, there are two start dates - July and January. The program lasts 10 months and is divided into 5 periods that include core and electives courses.

Tuition: Fees for self-sponsored participants EUR48,800; Fees for company-sponsored participants EUR65,000

Instituto de Empresa

Location: Madrid, Spain

Program: International MBA

Ranking: #11 by Financial Times, #12 by The Wall Street Journal, #6 by Forbes

Description: The International MBA at Instituto de Empresa lasts 13 months (November - December) with a pre-program/orientation session that starts in September and includes an intensive Spanish course. The program includes core courses, electives, forums, optional business Spanish lessons, and projects.

Tuition: EUR45,000 + EUR1,050 (contribution to the IE Business School Foundation)

Cornell University

Johnson School

Location: Ithaca, New York, USA

Program: Accelerated MBA

Ranking: # 14 by US News & World Report, #13 by BusinessWeek, #29 by Financial Times

Description: Cornell's One-Year Accelerated MBA program lasts 12 months starting in May and graduating the following MBA. This program is specially designed for individuals who already possess a graduate degree in a technical, scientific or quantitative field. It requires strong quantitative skills and professional work experience.

Tuition: ,600 USD

Cambridge University

Judge Business School

Location: Cambridge, United Kingdom

Program: MBA

Ranking: #15 by Financial Times

Description: The One-Year MBA program at Cambridge starts in September and ends in August with the culmination of an individual project. The program includes core courses, electives, a Cambridge Venture project, a global consulting project, and an individual project. One thing that distinguishes this program from the rest is its location at the heart of Silicon Fern - a concentration of new high-tech and bio-tech businesses.

Tuition: MBA Program £28,000 College Fee £2,000

University of Oxford

Saïd Business School

Location: Oxford, United Kingdom

Program: MBA

Ranking: #19 by Financial Times

Description: Oxford's one-year MBA program starts in October and ends in September. The program includes core courses, electives, and an entrepreneurship project. Most of the core courses focuses on quantitative subjects such as Finance, Economics, and Decision Science, while electives include marketing, entrepreneurship, private equity and other subjects.

Tuition: MBA Program £28,000 College Fee £3,000


Location: Barcelona, Spain

Program: One-Year MBA

Ranking: #24 by Financial Times, #2 International by the Wall Street Journal, #7 by BusinessWeek

Description: ESADE's one-year MBA program lasts 12 months starting in April. The program requires that applicants have a business or economics undergraduate degree or an engineering undergraduate degree with significant business experience. The program is divided in 5 modules, which include core and elective courses along with Spanish lessons.

Tuition: EUR42,500

Emory University

Goizueta Business School

Location: Atlanta, Georgia, USA

Program: One-Year MBA

Ranking: #20 by US News and World Report, #23 by BusinessWeek, #33 by Financial Times

Description: The One-Year MBA program at Emory starts in May and lasts 12 months. Admissions requirements include that applicants have a business or economics degree, or an engineering degree and business experience. Applicants should have strong quantitative skills and significant work experience. The program focuses on core courses and electives with the majority of core courses being completed during the summer.

Tuition: ,220

University of Florida

Warrington College of Business Administration

Location: Gainesville, Florida, United Kingdom

Program: Traditional MBA - One-Year Option

Ranking: #37 by US News and World Report, #13 Regional by The Wall Street Journal, #6 by Princeton Review

Description: Besides a tradition two-year and online programs, the University of Florida offers two options for its one-year MBA. Option A is designed for students from all majors. This option lasts 12 months and focuses on core subjects and electives. Also, option A offers a 1/3 scholarship to all students. Option B is designed for business majors who completed their bachelor's within 7 years. This option lasts 11 months and focuses mainly on electives.

Tuition: Option A Florida Residents ,602 Out-of-State ,397 (including 1/3 scholarship).

Option B Florida Residents ,602 Out-of-State ,397

Babson College

Location: Boston, Massachusetts, USA

Program: One-Year MBA

Ranking: #41 Overall (#1 Entrepreneurship) by US News and World Report, #1 Entrepreneurship by Financial Times

Description: Ranked as the top MBA in Entrepreneurship, Babson offers an MBA program that starts in May and lasts 12 months. This program requires that applicants have a business undergraduate degree and at least 2 years of professional experience. The program focuses on core courses during the summer months, and allows students to choose their electives during the following two semesters.

Tuition: ,668

Top Ten One-Year MBA Programs

Search Engine Optimization Marketing

Monday, March 26, 2012

Can You Get a Law Degree Online?

Over the past few years the number of online degree programs has expanded exponentially and many people have taken the online Bachelor Degree and MBA programs that are available. More recently, a number of online Law Degree programs have also sprouted up leading many people to it really possible to obtain your law degree online? More importantly, are these Juris Doctor degrees worth anything and can you really practice law with them?

The Straight Scoop About Online Law School

Mba Degrees

Several online universities such as the University of Phoenix, Concord/Kaplan Law School and DeVry offer distance learning Law Degrees. These programs are comparable in cost to other online doctorate level degrees with fees ranging from -90,000 depending on the program. Typically students may take them either part or full-time with the full Juris Doctor degree being completed in 3-5 years.

Can You Get a Law Degree Online?

Classes for most of these programs are offered online with reading and other materials bought by the students. Some offer in-person classes as optional additions. Professors interact with students online and assignments are usually submitted via email. The courses required for online Juris Doctor programs are typical of full-time programs and include such subjects as Civil Procedure, Contract Law, Criminal Law, Property and Torts among others. Upper level classes include such subjects as Constitutional Law, Evidence, Family Law, Trusts and Estates, as well as other mandatory as well as recommended coursework.

The programs typically require the student to take the LSAT and to submit transcripts from undergraduate programs as well as write essays to gain acceptance. Overall the admissions criteria and standards are lower than major name Law Schools with students obtaining admission that might not qualify if applying to a nationally recognized bricks and mortar school.

Someone that is interested in studying law and going through all the major JD required courses can obtain a solid law school education by doing a degree online. The ability to make your own schedule, the flexibility of spreading the degree over time and the reduced cost when compared to bricks and mortar programs makes it an attractive alternative if you are simply seeking the Juris Doctor for your own benefit and for the educational experience it offers.

The Big Problem With Online Law School

There is however, a very important and fundamental downside to pursuing your Juris Doctor online. As of now, 49 states require a person to obtain their JD Degree from an accredited institution by the American Bar Association (ABA). Without this accreditation you cannot sit for their bar exam and become a practicing attorney in their state. The exception to this is the state of California which allows certain distance learning Juris Doctor students to sit for the bar exam if they've fulfilled certain requirements but only from certain specific Online Law Degree programs.

Can You Get a Law Degree Online?

Double Day College Online Tsb Internet Banking

Thursday, March 22, 2012

What To Do With A Law Degree

There are many exciting opportunities out there for a law school graduate. Take some time to research all the possibilities and you will find your career path. Here are just a few ways you can utilize your law degree.

Join a law firm. Many graduates join a law firm right after graduation. When starting at a law firm, you are an associate. This is entry-level lawyering.

Mba Degrees

Being an associate is not unlike completing a residency for a doctor. You will work long hours every week and complete most of the grunt work. You will produce legal documents, write briefs, research for hours and other tedious tasks all in the hopes of climbing the ladder to one day become partner.

What To Do With A Law Degree

Becoming partner is the pinnacle of law firm statuses. As one of the partners, you have a say in what cases your firm takes on and other big decisions. Partners also share the profits of the law firm. Once all expenses have been paid out such as associates' salaries, the income that is left will be distributed between the partners. The respect of being partner and the high earning potential attracts many law school graduates.

Law graduates who prefer not to deal with the social hierarchy of a law firm may opt to find work in a corporation. This position is called in-house counsel. You are employed by the company and work in the legal department. As in-house counsel you will typically work less hours than at a law firm and your salary will be fixed.

Another career option for lawyers is to work for the government. There are many positions to be found in the government and non-profit sector. You can work as a public defender where you will defend criminal cases. This is higher paid than you might think. You will deal with many interesting cases in this capacity and you will also face much court time.

Another path in government is becoming an assistant district attorney. In this position you will be the prosecutor in criminal cases.

So how do you go about obtaining these positions? The time to start looking for a job as lawyer is in law school. In law school you will intern in different firms. Most firms hire a great percentage of associates from the summer internship pool.

If you're looking into working for the government, do your homework. There are many different government agencies out there that employ lawyers. Search online at government web sites and find a contact method.

A great way to find job openings is by keeping in touch with your classmates. An old law school friend may be able to recommend you to a law firm or know other lawyers that can direct you to different employers. It's always good to network.

There are many opportunities out there for someone with a law degree. Don't ever feel stuck. If you decide that you don't want to practice law, your degree still qualifies you for many jobs in business management or in the non-profit sector.

What To Do With A Law Degree

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Sunday, March 18, 2012

A Brief History of E-learning and Distance Education

E-learning is a very broad term. It is used to describe any type of learning environment that is computer enhanced. There are multiple technologies that can be employed in E-learning. It has become one of those types of words that are so general as to have lost some of its meaning. Distance learning is something that has evolved from Elearning. It is used to describe a learning environment that takes place away from the actual traditional classroom and campus.

E-learning began at just about the same time that a computer was developed that was practical for personal use. In fact, the concept and practice of distance learning predates the computer area by almost 100 years. In England, in 1840, shorthand classes were being offered by correspondence courses through the mail. The improvements to the postal service made this method of distance learning popular in the early part of the last century. This led to a large number of "through the mail" type of educational programs. The computer only made distance learning easy and better. Television, video recorders, and even radio have all made a contribution to distance learning.

Mba Degrees

E-learning and distance learning are not quite the same thing. The basic thing that distinguishes distance education is the physical separation of the student from the instructor and the class room. E-learning, however, became part of the classroom environment from the beginning. The early use of computers was geared to help the classroom instructor. Gradually, as more and more personal computers became available, the idea of online classes was explored by some pioneering Colleges and Universities. The early attempts at distance education were hampered by resistance from traditionalist within the education field.

A Brief History of E-learning and Distance Education

Some invoked what they called the philosophy of education to demonstrate that the teacher was essential to the educational process. This resistance led to the early online degrees being considered inferior to traditionally obtained degrees. This prejudice extended to the personal departments of major employers. When choosing between two otherwise equally qualified applicants, preference was shown to the person holding the traditional degree. In recent years this has changed drastically. The improvements in E-learning technology and the ability to create virtual classrooms and a virtual learning environment (VLE) has gradually broken down the resistance. This process has been helped by the emergence of a new generation that was weaned on the computer. It would not be surprising if within another generation, the pendulum shifts completely and the online degree is the one that is respected and coveted.

A Brief History of E-learning and Distance Education

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Wednesday, March 14, 2012

World University Ranking - Top Ten Online Universities

Want to study for an online degree program? There are many online universities and colleges offering high quality education online.

Online Degree Programs:

Mba Degrees

Online degree programs offer many advantages such as flexibility and cost savings. Learning can take place at anywhere in the world, individual student can choose where, when and how to study.

World University Ranking - Top Ten Online Universities

Online programs are offered at different levels ranging from Certificate program, Diploma program, Associate degree, Bachelor degree, Graduate Certificate, Graduate Diploma, Master degree to Doctorate degree. Subject areas include business, psychology, nursing, education, sociology, information technology and so on.

Top 10 Online Universities:

According to "The Best and Worst Online Degree Programs" 2007, the top ten online universities in the world are as follows:

(1) The University of London (UoL)

(2) The University of South Africa

(3) The University of Phoenix

(4) The University of Texas

(5) University of South Australia (UniSA)

(6) University of Southern Queensland (USQ)

(7) The University of Maryland University College

(8) Golden Gate University

(9) Ellis College of NYIT

(10) Stanford University

The University of London is ranked number one in the world for its outstanding online degree programs. It offers more than 100 online and distance qualifications through the University of London External Programme. Students studying through the External Programme are examined to the same standard as full-time on-campus students.

The University of South Australia is the leading provider of distance education in Australia. With more than 32000 on campus and offshore students, it is now the largest university in South Australia.

Prospective students are advised to check the accreditation and reputation of online universities and colleges before enrolling into a program of study.

World University Ranking - Top Ten Online Universities

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Saturday, March 10, 2012

How to Buy a Bachelors Degree

There are many different ways to go about getting your bachelors degree, but there are some ways that just seem to work better. This just so happens to be the case when you buy your bachelors degree online. The fact of the matter is, online bachelors degrees are becoming one of the fastest growing markets in the world of further education. This has to do with the fact that it's a dog eat dog world out there, and buying a bachelors degree from a normal college takes a lot of time. Not only that, but you have to plan everything around their schedule so that you can make it to your classes on time. All that for just a bachelors degree! Well, when you get an online diploma, you can have your classes around the times that you are open. So if you work during the day and need to study at night, then it's no problem. Feel the need to study at 3:00 in the morning? Then go for it. That's the job of online diplomas.

When looking for buying online bachelors degrees, you will see that there are tons of schools that offer them. Choosing the right one for yourself is not as hard as it may seem. After all, there are hardly any negative sides to being able to buy online degrees. In fact, in the long run it may actually help you to do it this way. Mostly because you will be able to work at your own speed. Think about it. You will be able to fly through the stuff you can learn fast, and slow down on the stuff you do not get. When you are at a normal college, you have to work at the speed the teacher sets. This can actually cause problems for some people. Whenever you are buying a bachelors degree online, you are not just getting a degree, you are getting a life experience degree!

Mba Degrees

The next time you are looking into online diplomas, remember that there is one thing that you have to keep in mind. When you are buying an online bachelors degree, it's very important that you buy from a school that is accredited, like the ones here. This is the most important thing that you need to look into. If you do not buy online bachelors degree from an accredited school, then you are throwing your money away, and that is not something that a lot of college students can do. Online bachelors degrees are the way to go and are the best bet when trying to find schools that will work around your times, not theirs. Check out for accredited online bachelor degrees.

How to Buy a Bachelors Degree
How to Buy a Bachelors Degree

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Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Diploma, Certificate, Associate Degree, Or Bachelor's Degree - What's the Difference?

You're a high school grad or a working adult and you want to continue your education. You know that there are many different types of programs that lead to a certificate or diploma, associate degree, bachelor's degree, master's degree, or doctorate. What do these terms mean? How do you choose what's right for you? Here's the lowdown on the different levels of study offered by career schools, colleges, and universities.

Continuing Education: These are individual courses that are typically offered to working adults. Classes are often held in the evening or on weekends to accommodate students' busy schedules. Programs run the gamut-from cooking or painting to traditional liberal arts courses such as writing or history, and technical programs in auto repair or computers. Classes may last only one night, or continue over several weeks.

Mba Degrees

These classes do not lead to a degree or certificate. They are taken one at a time, for enjoyment, to acquire specific knowledge, or to help the student advance in the workplace. Sometimes, credits from continuing education courses can count towards a degree, if the institution is accredited.

Diploma, Certificate, Associate Degree, Or Bachelor's Degree - What's the Difference?

Certificates and Diplomas: The terms are roughly interchangeable. Programs usually last one year, if courses are taken full-time.

For example, a typical medical assisting program will require the completion of 30 course credits. A course may count for anywhere from one to five credits, depending upon the duration and difficulty of the course. Most classroom courses count for three credits. Medical assisting programs often require the completion of four or five core subjects, such as an introduction or overview course, basic anatomy, and medical terminology. These count for twelve credits. An additional twelve credits must be earned in an area of specialty, such as administrative or clinical medical assisting. In addition, students must earn credits in a laboratory or clinical workplace environment.

Associate Degree: Taken full-time, most associate degree programs last two years.

For example, an associate of applied science in electronics and computer technology might require 71 credit hours. Courses might include communication skills (seven credits), humanities (three credits), social sciences (three credits), professional development (five credits), math and science (eight credits), electronic circuits (14 credits), digital computer systems (15 credits), electronics and controls (eight credits), and computer networks (seven credits).

Many community colleges offer two-year associate degree programs. Upon graduation, students may choose to continue their education by applying to a four-year college and earning their bachelor's degree during the next two years.

Bachelor's Degree: Taken full-time, most bachelor's degree programs take four years to complete when commenced after high school graduation or earning a GED. Some programs (such as engineering) may take five years.

A typical bachelor of science in business administration degree will require a minimum of 124 credit hours. Courses might include communication skills (15 credits), humanities (nine credits), social sciences (nine credits), professional development (five credits), math and science (12 credits), business core (36 credits), and 39 credits in a concentration such as accounting or sales and marketing.

Generally, in liberal arts colleges, students are required to concentrate on a major (English, math, history, chemistry). Credits may be tallied as semester hours. For example, a program in political science may require 44 semester hours of classroom study for graduation. That's about five and one-half hours per semester. Courses vary in how often they meet-seminars may meet only once a week, or others may meet twice a week.

Master's Degree: The next step after a bachelor's degree is a master's degree in a specific academic discipline. Programs typically last eighteen months to two years, although some colleges offer combined bachelor's-and-master's-degree programs that you can complete in five years. Increasingly, adults are earning their master's degrees online, particularly in business (MBA), psychology, religion, and education. Most master's degree programs culminate with a thesis or "capstone" project.

Doctoral Degree: The top rung of the educational ladder is the Ph.D or doctorate. The time frame tends to be flexible, because most doctoral candidates are working adults. Programs generally require a major research thesis that may take several years to complete. Doctoral programs are available online.

Choosing the Program That's Right for You

How can you decide what's right for you? The best way is to do your research online. Log onto a reputable college directory website. Browse through the schools and programs. Check out online programs, too. See if the schools are accredited and if they offer financial aid. When you've narrowed down your choices to the top four or five, then request free information. Once you've done your research you can apply to as many schools as you want. In less time than you think you'll be ready to enroll!

Diploma, Certificate, Associate Degree, Or Bachelor's Degree - What's the Difference?

Degree In Education

Saturday, March 3, 2012

What Kind of Jobs Can I Get With an MBA?

Wondering whether or not an MBA will truly advance your career in business? Read this article to discover what kind of jobs you can expect to get with an MBA degree.

What is an MBA?

Mba Degrees

A Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree is granted after one or two years of study at a graduate level institution. Students who are enrolled in an MBA program receive training in the theory and practice of business management. This degree can increase the number of jobs that you are qualified for, as well as your earning potential.

What Kind of Jobs Can I Get With an MBA?

Jobs for Grads with an MBA Degree

Earning an MBA degree can make you much more valuable to employers. This degree certifies that you are prepared to handle almost any management role found in a modern corporation or organization. The type of job best suited for an MBA grad depends on the type of MBA degree that was achieved.

For example, an MBA grad that specialized in marketing will easily be able to obtain employment in the marketing field, while an MBA grad that specialized in finance will be best suited for a position in the finance industry. General MBAs, on the other hand, can secure employment in almost any business sector.

MBA grads most commonly work in the following fields:

· Accounting

· Consulting

· Finance

· General Management

· Human Resources

· Marketing

· Sales

Salary Potential for MBA Grads

MBA grads can command higher salaries than those who have not obtained a master's degree. Base salaries for MBA grads typically start out above ,000, with total compensation amounting to more that 0,000 when benefits, bonuses, and profit sharing figures are taken into account.

What Kind of Jobs Can I Get With an MBA?

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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Online Class Vs Traditional Class - Know the Difference

The debate on online class vs traditional class has become popular since the introduction of online education. Most would still stick to attending traditional classes because they feel that they won't get much from online classes. On the other hand, those who online classes share that what they are learning are direct to the point and employers recognize credible online universities. So what we will breakdown the ups and downs of attending online classes and traditional classes.

Time: When it comes to traditional classes, students must follow the schedule provided to them. Some professors are strict with time and won't even let the student in when he is only a minute late. With online classes, you study at your own time and for some there are no deadlines, this is because most people who are attending online classes already have jobs, businesses or family. But sometimes online students are also pressured with the requirements at work and at school. Communication/Discussion: Questions are directed to the professor in class for a traditional setup and the student can get the answer right away. While in online class, questions are posted in discussion boards or sent through email where other students or the professor can answer. Sometimes, personal interaction will help the student better understand the answer to his questions unlike in discussion boards where answers are sometimes short. Course Materials: These are provided as downloads and in different formats such as audio, text or video for online students. Since technology is highly used in any field, professors in traditional classes asks the students to research about a topic online and setups online portals where students can download course materials. The downside with this setup is that some of the course materials need explanation and students have to wait until the next class to ask about and sometimes it is not discussed and comes out in exams. Also, subjects discussed with online students are directly related to their course and no other extra subjects. Credibilty of Professors: It is no doubt that online class vs traditional class both provides credible professors. Though, some say that online professors are not really professors but are just experts of a certain field and does not have a degree in education. But credible online universities assure their students that their professors are legitimate.

Mba Degrees

Online class vs traditional class may still be a persisting debate with students and professionals. Whether it be online or on campus, this will still depend on the student and several factors must be considered.

Online Class Vs Traditional Class - Know the Difference
Online Class Vs Traditional Class - Know the Difference

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Saturday, February 25, 2012

Is a Criminal Justice Degree Worth its Weight?

A degree in Criminal Justice is frequently a good option for those who've a strong passion for law enforcement and justice. If you've ever imagined your self at a crime scene, solving a situation by putting together all the crucial pieces, a Legal Justice degree can get your foot within the door. Those that are currently working in law enforcement can use a level to get promotions or for professional growth.

When choosing a university, consider on the internet course. Online Criminal Justice applications fit your schedule and permit you to compete the coursework at home. Brick and mortar schools, about the other hand, supply an chance to create local contacts. This could lead to employment at that local department.

Mba Degrees

Consider your course choices when searching to get a college. Some choices consist of: Legal Justice Investigation and Statistics; Information Analysis for Social Scientists; Forensics; Crime Scene Investigation; and Applied Investigation Techniques. Electives should be chosen as well. Some of these include: the Supreme Court; Capital Punishment; White Collar Crime; Victimology; Sociology of Deviance; Drugs and Society; Sociology of Law; Juvenile Delinquency; Race and Ethnic Relations; and Computer Forensics.

Is a Criminal Justice Degree Worth its Weight?

PC forensics involves the preservation, investigation, compilation, and presentation of evidence of PC crimes. Computer forensic investigators look for to explain the present condition of digital artifacts. These usually consist of computer systems, media storage, electronic documents, or packets that travel over a digital network.

Other required coursework might consist of: Legal Aspects of Legal Justice; Law Enforcement and Community; Public Administration and Policy Producing; Crime Scene Analysis; and American Legal Process. These programs assist you to prepare for a career as a correctional treatment specialist, police officer, detective, and even an FBI agent.

Beneath are a few of the colleges that provide the best Legal Justice degrees. A level from any of these will nearly guarantee a job.

Akron College offers small class sizes and individual attention. You are able to find flexible schedules and an education that's career-oriented.

Miami-Jacobs Job University focuses on offering probably the most up-to-date courses. They care about the success of each of their students.

Argosy University's degree in Criminal Justice provides a vast range of opportunities to individuals that are interested. It's an excellent option for all those with time constraints simply because of the flexibility of their programs. The degrees that are offered consist of: B.A. in Psychology-Criminal Justice; B.S. in Legal Justice; and M.B.A. in Public Administration. Individuals seeking a level having a bigger emphasis on administration in Legal Justice ought to consider a B.A. in Organizational Management having a concentration in Criminal Justice. This will prepare you to structure, handle, and direct public and private criminal justice companies.

Ashford University on the internet level programs are designed for working professionals. You can study at your personal pace and graduate in 12 to 24 months.

Everest College focuses on hands-on training. This kind of training enables graduates to obtain a head start in the work force.

Liberty University offers an Associate of Arts Bachelors of Science in Legal Justice. Like other colleges, they offer courses where you'll learn about trial proceedings, constitutional concepts, and criminal case law. Being a graduate of police training, you may be hired in advanced positions inside police departments or other law enforcement companies.

Is a Criminal Justice Degree Worth its Weight?

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Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Is Your Online Education Legitimate? How To Spot A Credible Online Degree Program

Educational professionals and employers have long challenged the credibility of online college degrees. Traditionalists are quick to dismiss them as easy, widely fuelling the belief that online college degrees are worthless. Employers, as a result, have jumped on the bandwagon and have been known to reject potential employees on the strength of it, stating that they do not meet the specified criteria. However, accredited online colleges and universities have been fighting this perspective with a degree of success and guidelines have been published so that individuals can distinguish between credible online college degrees and their bogus equivalents. Here is a quick guide on what to look out for.

Accredited Colleges And Universities - The safest way of ensuring that your online college degree will be taken into account when you apply for jobs is by choosing to take one with a well-known university that is established offline. The University Of Carolina or Stanford University are just two that are established universities offering online college degrees. If you present a degree from accredited online colleges and universities that already provide excellent educational courses then it will undoubtedly be taken into considerations. Although accredited online colleges and universities that operate solely on the Internet may be legitimate, employers may dismiss your degree as being fake on the basis that they have never heard of them.

Mba Degrees

Check Accreditation - Never apply for an online college degree whose provider does not display its credentials online for all prospective students to view. Some "accredited" online colleges and universities, Belford University to name but one, have been known to make up fake agencies and in effect accredit themselves so their online college degrees are absolutely worthless in the real world. This is the type of scam that gives legitimate online college degrees a bad reputation. If you can see the agency that accredited the college then you can research it to see whether it actually exists, in some cases, or is a legitimate authority. Long established agencies are more likely to be legitimate than others.

Is Your Online Education Legitimate? How To Spot A Credible Online Degree Program

Online Verification - If your online college degree is accredited, it will be listed at the US Department of Education. Accredited online college and university programs are placed on the list if they are legitimate and thus the Department of Education will have effectively done your research for you. If the online college degree that you are considering is not on that list then be wary because it is a very expensive chance that you will be taking. Placement on the list also gives you a ready answer if a potential employer ever questions you about the legitimacy of an online college degree.

There are so many bogus online college degree companies that will churn out your piece of paper at a moments notice that it is no wonder that employers are skeptical. Whilst offering individuals a program that would have otherwise been unavailable to them, the increasing popularity of online courses has opened the floodgates to conmen and people who are out to make a quick buck. Be careful, it is your future that will be affected by your decision after all.

Is Your Online Education Legitimate? How To Spot A Credible Online Degree Program

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Saturday, February 18, 2012

How Hard is a Computer Science Degree

I decided to try some computer science classes to see how they were. Computers were so important in our society that I figured I should know a little bit about them. In addition, I had always been fascinated by the idea of programming computers. I have had very little experience besides a bit of rudimentary BASIC when I was a kid, but I knew that I was up to the challenge.

Once I took a class, I became obsessed with computer science. I took another class and then another. Soon, it was hard to fit in all my requirements between all of the computer science classes I was taking. Sooner or later, I had to admit to myself: I was hooked. A degree was now the only thing that made any sense to me.

Mba Degrees

In the school I was enrolled at, there were lots of people getting computer science degrees at the time. I think the freshman class was on the order of a thousand people or more. As a result, the department tried to cut down on the number of entrants by making the courses harder. This is pretty common practice. In some subject areas, they made everything very easy to attract more people.

How Hard is a Computer Science Degree

In other ones, they made everything very difficult to weed out the weakest candidates. At one point, I wasn't even sure I would be able to make it. Maybe getting a degree would be too hard for me. Nonetheless, I resolved to stick with it. I knew that it was worth the effort to get the degree.

When I graduated with a computer science degree, I couldn't have been more pleased. It was nice to be able to do something that would make me a good bit of money while still allowing me to enjoy myself. Programming computers was actually something I had grown to like quite a bit. It wasn't at all like I had pictured it. It was a fascinating challenge, a creative pursuit, and a great hobby. It wasn't really my supreme passion, but it didn't have to be. My computer science degree would allow me to pay the bills and take home some bacon while I pursued my teaching career.

How Hard is a Computer Science Degree

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Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Bachelor Degree: Mass Communication

A bachelor degree in mass communication exposes students to the proper communications environment. Through the course of study and the close mentoring by the lecturers, the student polishes his writing and verbal communication skills.

The critical thinking and analytical skills acquired through in-depth investigation of contemporary social issues, give them the ability to analyze and appropriately react to any situation that might arise; a crucial necessity in the field of communications.

Mba Degrees

For instance, as a journalist, a student will be fast to see the overall picture of an issue and will be able to conceive a well-balanced news story. As a public relations professional, he will be able to visualize and put into practice innovative strategies for building and promoting the brand of a company.

Bachelor Degree: Mass Communication

A well-trained bachelor degree graduate from the field of mass communication possesses all the crucial qualities necessary to think on their feet and quickly absorb and understand any issues the company might be facing.

A bachelor degree in mass communication should also equip graduates with the most basic requirements like thinking and analytical ability, as well as effective writing and verbal communication skills. Other specific job skills can be acquired on the job.

The skills acquired through a mass communication education are not confined within any particular job scope and are applicable across a broad range of careers. Students graduating with a degree in mass communication can find employment as journalists, editors of publishing houses, public relations and corporate communications professionals, as well as fields like advertising, event management and even marketing.

Other than the communications sector, the global nature of the skills truly transcends all careers and ensures that even the business world is thrown open before the young mass communication graduate. In fact, once you've acquired great writing, verbal communication, thinking and analytical skills, there will be no limit. The broad expertise acquired through the mass communication course allows the student to adapt and transform his skills to the requirements of any career.

However, to be suited to study mass communication, you should have a passion for language and words; you should have an innate ability to express yourself through words, whether it's through writing or verbal communication.

Another important trait that a student of mass communication should possess is exceptional thinking ability. The high level of sense-making combined with excellent organizational skills and an eye for detail, exemplifies the ideal characteristics of a mass communication student.

The most important factor that students should look at before choosing to enroll in an institution of higher learning is the quality of instructors. The lecturers in mass communication should be industry-experienced so that the education received at the institution has a direct bearing on the future career of the student.

By bringing industry-relevant knowledge into the structure of the course, students are well prepared and have a holistic picture of the issues of the communications industry and the system also has to rise to the situation of making students think both analytically and laterally.

Finally, it's important that the course combines insightful theoretical knowledge with adequate practical exposure. This will stand them in good stead once they complete their studies and are ready to enter the working world. Indeed, the field of communications is not just intellectual but also requires hands-on experience.

Bachelor Degree: Mass Communication

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Friday, February 10, 2012

MHA or MBA - Which Is Best for You?

Should a person get an MHA or an MBA as his or her advanced degree in health care?

A number of students have been asking that question as they contemplate their future. Physicians who want more management knowledge and skills have also been wondering the same thing.

Mba Degrees

Is there a definitive way to gauge which choice is best for a particular situation?

The simple answer is -- it depends. It depends on your current level of knowledge about health care and it on how you intend to use the degree. While there are no hard and fast rules, a few simple guidelines might help in deciding which route is the best one for you to take. Here are five:

1. Current Health Care Knowledge. How much do you already know about health care? Is it already a fair amount, having spent the past ten years in the industry or are you new to the industry and want to break in? A master in health administration (MHA) program is likely going to have most, if not all, of its coursework specifically related to health care. Thus, even a financial management course is going to teach you the principles of finance in the context of health care. For some people, that immersion in health care is important; for others it may not be all that crucial. Not surprisingly, a "traditional" MBA program is not going to have that industry focus (unless it's specifically designed for health care).

2. Health Policy. MBA programs generally don't tend to spend much time on health policy issues, while most MHA programs either have specific classes in that area or cover the same material in a variety of different classes. Health policy is significant for health care professionals for several reasons. First, so much of health care is scrutinized and regulated by government entities. Second, policy decisions often wind up driving business decisions. Thus, the more knowledgeable one is on the complexities surrounding health policy, the better one should be in making executive decisions.

3. Peer Learning. Some of the best learning takes place between and among students. The usual advantage of being enrolled in an MHA program is that you are surrounded by peers who are either currently employed in health care (and thus bring a different perspective than yours) or who have a strong interest in the industry. Either way, there's much to be gained from interacting with your peers. And while peer learning will also take place in any MBA program, the knowledge gained is more diffused.

4. Commitment to Others. Most MHA programs have a history of service to others, which goes back to the early days of non-profit hospitals and other medical services. And while more and more health care services are being run either as a for-profit venture or like one, there is still that "service to people" thread that weaves through the industry and MHA programs. MBA programs are actually playing catch-up in that regard as they now offer courses and programs dedicated to social entrepreneurship. Still, if you are most attracted by money and wealth, the MBA is probably the best place to go.

5. Competitiveness. There a lot more people applying to get into a top MBA program at a top school than those trying to get into an MHA program. For example, more than 1,200 people will compete for openings in the MBA program at the Kenan-Flagler School of Business at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Meanwhile, on average, about 120 students apply to the residential MHA program. If you're worried about your chances of getting in or you are looking at the odds, then you might look at the MHA degree. Of course, some students wind up getting a dual MBA/MHA degree, but those are rare and require a much greater commitment of time and energy.

Each situation is different. Perhaps where you live the MBA program is your best bet because it's high quality, affordable and convenient. On the other hand, perhaps the MHA is your best route because you clearly intend to be the CEO of a health system and you need all the knowledge and skills you can find in health care to be considered for the job.

Whichever degree works best for you, get that degree. An advanced degree (whatever it is) will likely do more to boost your career, especially in the early years, than anything else you can do. It's become the required listing in most executive-level job searches.

MHA or MBA - Which Is Best for You?

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Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Importance of Education

It goes without saying that education is very important for everyone. If you are educated and you have earned your degree in any of professional field you can expect to be a part of good organizations, institutions and companies. The most important thing is to have a legit degree from a recognized institution, therefore you always need to attest and verify about the association of an institution in which you are eager to take admission. If you are a busy person and you cannot take a step towards completing your studies then you can make the most of online education programs which are providing online courses to their students virtually by means of distance learning and there is no doubt that the number of good institution are offering such valuable online courses at affordable cost as you can get from any public institution.

You just need to sign up first by adding your name, address and the names of course you are more interested in, and few of online websites may require a pre-test but mostly don't ask for any kind of pre-test. You don't need to take a test before joining their education program.

Mba Degrees

You can surf on the internet to find many websites meet your educational needs. Thousands of the websites which are offering good online education programs will be switched open on a single click then you can select the one of program and website that suit you better. Always check the association and affiliation of website and institution before you begin to take a course from them as many institutions claim to provide a legit online diploma or degree courses but they are fraudulent organization, trading behind the scene.

Importance of Education

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Thursday, January 26, 2012

Reach the Desired Destinations With Ease

Gone are the days when traveling use to be troublesome on account of unknown roadways and the mind boggling map reading which was required to do to arrive to the destination. With the enhancement in technology all this hassles has been taken care of by just a single GPS navigation system fitted in the car. GPS is the acronym of Global Positioning System which is helpful in showing the geographical location of where you are at this time and it also gives information of the distances and the time. It not only does this but also give you indications in which turns to take for arriving to your destination. Thereby it saves your time, money and gasoline. It also aids in providing you with the short cuts that can be taken to reach as soon as possible to the place you wish to reach.

The GPS navigations systems used in car has developed a lot in the few recent years. The latest development in it is digital mapping which is a hand sized and is connected with internet and a computerized voice can be heard giving you the right directions to reach to your destination. Thus, this can also prevent you from getting lost on the highways. Besides many other information are also available like the nearest recreational outlet, your favorite restaurants, ATM's, gas stations and so on. Therefore, it is always beneficial to have a good GPS navigation system in your car.

Mba Degrees

There are many manufacturers of GPS navigation systems today and selecting a good system for your car is one of the most important things for you. One of the most reliable companies making good GPS systems is TomTom. It provides a range of products in this category at very competitive prices. The price of good GPS navigation system ranges something from 0 to ,000. As you go on to select a higher range of product you can avail yourself of many more features that can make your travels very easy and comfortable.

Thus GPS navigation systems are the latest technology that can help you in locating your position and also reaching safely to your destination. Having a nice system in your car will also make your car look more cool and modern just as you are.

The first question is to ask for accreditation of the institution that is offering the MBA program. There are a numerous colleges which claim to provide accredited distance learning MBA program which has creates confusion. Without authentic accreditation, the MBA degree is not worth a single penny. Before you join the MBA program, you must check its accreditation to avoid trouble after completion of program.
The second question to be asked is the structure of fee. Since the accredited distance learning MBA program does not require as many staff and overheads, the tuition and other fees should not be something you cannot afford.

The third question to be asked is if the institution has an office in the vicinity close you are living. If the entire program is online, this can be a big question. You may not wish to travel all over the United States to finish your MBA formalities. Wherever you are see that they have an office in your city.

Another important aspect you must check is the institution's placements record and the salary structure that the students are able to earn. The reality is that you are pursuing an MBA degree fro a better career growth. If you are not able to get the position and salary you wish even after getting the MBA degree, then there is no point in investing the effort and time!

Reach the Desired Destinations With Ease

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Sunday, January 15, 2012

Top Ten Tips for Writing a Professional Overview or Biography

A professional biography or overview, showcasing your background, experience and expertise, is a necessity for every business owner. This often overlooked marketing tool is an excellent way to introduce you and your business to potential clients and possible strategic business partners. Potentially, it might open up opportunities for speaking engagements, radio or television interviews, or a feature print article. While any information about you and your business is helpful, information that is presented in a professional, well-polished manner can make all the difference in how others perceive you. Consider these important points as you craft your own professional biography.

1. One page wonder.

Mba Degrees

Your professional biography should be a few paragraphs and kept to one page or less. One page is perfect for copying on the reverse side of a handout or flyer. Several paragraphs, left justified make it easier to read and skim.

2. First, second, or third person?

Always write your biography in the third person. That is, refer to yourself by your name or she/he as appropriate. It sounds more professional as it appears that a third party wrote the text. For example, "Alexandra has been featured in the New York Times, Forbes, Newsweek, and Time magazines."

3. Business in brief.

Not only do readers want to know what you do, but also they want to know who you work with - because they might want to work with you! A professional biography should include a sentence or two about your business niche (or niches) as well as the types of clients you serve. A modified version of your 30-second elevator pitch might be perfect.

4. And the winner is....

Make sure that you include a list of awards that you have received. Readers are interested in knowing about your talents and the organizations that recognize you for them.

5. Organizations.

Include names of the organizations, clubs, or associations to which you belong. A reader's interest might be highlighted at seeing that you belong to the same alumni association or professional business group. Again, these connections might possibly lead to some interesting and exciting business opportunities.

6. Certifications and designations.

Include any professional certifications or designations you hold. Make sure you write out their names in full, rather than use abbreviations. Not everyone might know that CMA stands for Certified Management Accountant. And, perhaps, in a different discipline, it might represent something else - like a Certified Materials Analyst. If you no longer hold a particular designation, but it has played a major role in who you are and what you do, don't hesitate to make a reference to it. For example, "Ann is a former Certified Data Processor and spent the last decade as an adjunct faculty member teaching higher mathematics at the University of Colorado, Boulder." Don't include abbreviations of college degrees, like MBAs as it looks unprofessional. The only exception to this would be for a Ph.D. designation.

7. Published?

Have you written any articles, books, e-courses or e-books? Self-published or not, your works add to your level of professionalism and credibility. Showcase them in your biography and you might earn additional royalties in terms of new clients or other opportunities.

8. Did I mention the media?

Have you been a guest on talk radio or television? Were you or your business featured or even mentioned in a newspaper article? If so, readers want to know. Again, these types of "mentions" add to your credibility and presence.

9. Call me any time.

People who want to know about you will read your biography for just that reason. And, if its compelling, rich, and includes the information they're interested, in, they'll want to contact you. Include complete contact information like your title (if any), name, address, telephone, fax, email, and website address. Make it easy to find this information by including it in the last paragraph of your professional overview.

10. Write, rewrite, and do it again.

After you have written your biography, edit, edit, and edit again. You may need to do a dozen or so revisions before you get it just right. Eliminate extra words, use descriptive words, keep the sentences short but varied in length, and write in the third person. Ask some friends to provide input as well. Make sure to revise your biography regularly to keep it up-to-date and refreshed.

Copyright 2004 by Tara Alexandra Kachaturoff.

Top Ten Tips for Writing a Professional Overview or Biography

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Monday, January 9, 2012

Five Tips To Find The Best Online MBA Program

MBA is among the most popular business degree to earn online. The knowledge and the skill in the business administration field is important for people who work in business world, whether you are a self-employed boss or under employed in a corporate. Getting a MBA degree becomes easy and convenient with the available of online MBA degree programs. There are too many online universities and traditional brick & mortar colleges offer online MBA programs, sometimes it confuses you and you may find hard to decide one to enroll due to too many choices. Here are six tips that can help you to find the best Online MBA program that meet your goal.

Tip #1:

Mba Degrees

The best online MBA program must be accredited by an accreditation agency that is recognized by US Department of Education. Accreditation is important measurement of the quality of a degree program. With a proper accreditation, an Online MBA program is certified to meet a standard education guideline and most prospective employers place an emphasis on this point because it assures them that you will have the skills that meet the job position requirement.

Tip #2:

Most of students taking MBA program are employed full-time. Hence, the best online program must be able to provide the flexibility to adjust your schedule to fit into your busy time for work and family. A good online MBA program should be lenient in learning time, places and learning pace.

Tip #3:

When you enroll in an online MBA program, you will be assigned to difference online classes which monitor and mentor by online lecturer. The best MBA program shouldn't have too many students in one online class; this will cause the lecturer unable to give good attendance to all the students and gives a good learning guidance. 8-12 students per lecturer are a good ratio for online students to achieve a perfect learning environment with a good attention from the lecturer.

Tip #4:

The best online MBA program should have the best professors who have full of real experience in all aspects of the business world. While searching for the Best Online MBA program, remember to analyze the faculties and understand the school's academic approach. You can talk to the admission officer through online chat session (most online universities have their admission officer online to answer enquiries live) and get a detail understanding on who are the lecturers involve in teaching the online MBA courses, what are their academic background and experience in real business world.

Tip #5:

Look for the online university that offers online MBA programs has an established alumni program. An established alumni program will have a good networking between school and companies, which will help you to get a promotion or make a smooth career transition worldwide. The best online MBA program should counter in your career opportunities and provides you with career support services through free career seminars to guide you in your resume writing, provides you with tips for preparing interviews & etc. These career support services are important to help you jump-start your career or make a smooth career transition.


Getting a degree from the best online MBA program is important to ensure your degree have the maximum value in helping your career moves. Hope that the above tips will give you some guides in searching for the best online MBA program that best fit your educational and career goal.

Five Tips To Find The Best Online MBA Program

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Thursday, January 5, 2012

Advantages Of Having Online Degree

The current necessity and global tool, Internet, has changed the way of communication and advanced the media technology to unbelievable pace and excitement. Presently, it has been an alternative tool for career advancement and endless opportunities for getting a higher degree by earning an online degree. Majority of business schools and today's universities have been offering online courses and degree programs which definitely shows that it is getting popular as one of the hot choices for degree study.

Most of the course applicants belong to everyday employers, which certainly make them more difficult to attend educational institution and giving up their working hours to fit the timetable. With online learning, the physical barriers between school and student won't exist and you can connect to any school in different countries without any restriction no matter where you stay.

Mba Degrees

Certainly, the time schedule is flexible and suits your free time so you won't need to tackle both work and study at the same time. You can develop a free learning environment and take exams on your free schedule, which is more convenient compared to the traditionally classroom arrangement considering class availability and staffs.

Online courses including online MBA degree are self paced and orientated and give the students much more senses to develop and manage to their own interest, skills and ability. This type of customization will accommodate various learning styles and allows the best approach to study.

Those who works will know that time are money. Not only online degree capable to let you save on time, but also on expenses that will accommodate books, teaching materials, transportation costs, commuting, food and more. With online access, information and notes only available electronically and easily saved into notebook. Space will be much less used up too.

Believe it or not, but e-learning can provide an interactive learning environment for students with various personality types. In classroom condition, students tend to abide with their own character nature and won't allow equal access to group project, assignment or class discussion.

Online degree such as online MBA degree as every type of education has its advantages and disadvantages. The most important question is the value of this kind of distance learning and classroom environment learning. Anyway, the most important thing is whether we can obtain knowledge and benefits us in long term.

Advantages Of Having Online Degree

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