Thursday, January 26, 2012

Reach the Desired Destinations With Ease

Gone are the days when traveling use to be troublesome on account of unknown roadways and the mind boggling map reading which was required to do to arrive to the destination. With the enhancement in technology all this hassles has been taken care of by just a single GPS navigation system fitted in the car. GPS is the acronym of Global Positioning System which is helpful in showing the geographical location of where you are at this time and it also gives information of the distances and the time. It not only does this but also give you indications in which turns to take for arriving to your destination. Thereby it saves your time, money and gasoline. It also aids in providing you with the short cuts that can be taken to reach as soon as possible to the place you wish to reach.

The GPS navigations systems used in car has developed a lot in the few recent years. The latest development in it is digital mapping which is a hand sized and is connected with internet and a computerized voice can be heard giving you the right directions to reach to your destination. Thus, this can also prevent you from getting lost on the highways. Besides many other information are also available like the nearest recreational outlet, your favorite restaurants, ATM's, gas stations and so on. Therefore, it is always beneficial to have a good GPS navigation system in your car.

Mba Degrees

There are many manufacturers of GPS navigation systems today and selecting a good system for your car is one of the most important things for you. One of the most reliable companies making good GPS systems is TomTom. It provides a range of products in this category at very competitive prices. The price of good GPS navigation system ranges something from 0 to ,000. As you go on to select a higher range of product you can avail yourself of many more features that can make your travels very easy and comfortable.

Thus GPS navigation systems are the latest technology that can help you in locating your position and also reaching safely to your destination. Having a nice system in your car will also make your car look more cool and modern just as you are.

The first question is to ask for accreditation of the institution that is offering the MBA program. There are a numerous colleges which claim to provide accredited distance learning MBA program which has creates confusion. Without authentic accreditation, the MBA degree is not worth a single penny. Before you join the MBA program, you must check its accreditation to avoid trouble after completion of program.
The second question to be asked is the structure of fee. Since the accredited distance learning MBA program does not require as many staff and overheads, the tuition and other fees should not be something you cannot afford.

The third question to be asked is if the institution has an office in the vicinity close you are living. If the entire program is online, this can be a big question. You may not wish to travel all over the United States to finish your MBA formalities. Wherever you are see that they have an office in your city.

Another important aspect you must check is the institution's placements record and the salary structure that the students are able to earn. The reality is that you are pursuing an MBA degree fro a better career growth. If you are not able to get the position and salary you wish even after getting the MBA degree, then there is no point in investing the effort and time!

Reach the Desired Destinations With Ease

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Sunday, January 15, 2012

Top Ten Tips for Writing a Professional Overview or Biography

A professional biography or overview, showcasing your background, experience and expertise, is a necessity for every business owner. This often overlooked marketing tool is an excellent way to introduce you and your business to potential clients and possible strategic business partners. Potentially, it might open up opportunities for speaking engagements, radio or television interviews, or a feature print article. While any information about you and your business is helpful, information that is presented in a professional, well-polished manner can make all the difference in how others perceive you. Consider these important points as you craft your own professional biography.

1. One page wonder.

Mba Degrees

Your professional biography should be a few paragraphs and kept to one page or less. One page is perfect for copying on the reverse side of a handout or flyer. Several paragraphs, left justified make it easier to read and skim.

2. First, second, or third person?

Always write your biography in the third person. That is, refer to yourself by your name or she/he as appropriate. It sounds more professional as it appears that a third party wrote the text. For example, "Alexandra has been featured in the New York Times, Forbes, Newsweek, and Time magazines."

3. Business in brief.

Not only do readers want to know what you do, but also they want to know who you work with - because they might want to work with you! A professional biography should include a sentence or two about your business niche (or niches) as well as the types of clients you serve. A modified version of your 30-second elevator pitch might be perfect.

4. And the winner is....

Make sure that you include a list of awards that you have received. Readers are interested in knowing about your talents and the organizations that recognize you for them.

5. Organizations.

Include names of the organizations, clubs, or associations to which you belong. A reader's interest might be highlighted at seeing that you belong to the same alumni association or professional business group. Again, these connections might possibly lead to some interesting and exciting business opportunities.

6. Certifications and designations.

Include any professional certifications or designations you hold. Make sure you write out their names in full, rather than use abbreviations. Not everyone might know that CMA stands for Certified Management Accountant. And, perhaps, in a different discipline, it might represent something else - like a Certified Materials Analyst. If you no longer hold a particular designation, but it has played a major role in who you are and what you do, don't hesitate to make a reference to it. For example, "Ann is a former Certified Data Processor and spent the last decade as an adjunct faculty member teaching higher mathematics at the University of Colorado, Boulder." Don't include abbreviations of college degrees, like MBAs as it looks unprofessional. The only exception to this would be for a Ph.D. designation.

7. Published?

Have you written any articles, books, e-courses or e-books? Self-published or not, your works add to your level of professionalism and credibility. Showcase them in your biography and you might earn additional royalties in terms of new clients or other opportunities.

8. Did I mention the media?

Have you been a guest on talk radio or television? Were you or your business featured or even mentioned in a newspaper article? If so, readers want to know. Again, these types of "mentions" add to your credibility and presence.

9. Call me any time.

People who want to know about you will read your biography for just that reason. And, if its compelling, rich, and includes the information they're interested, in, they'll want to contact you. Include complete contact information like your title (if any), name, address, telephone, fax, email, and website address. Make it easy to find this information by including it in the last paragraph of your professional overview.

10. Write, rewrite, and do it again.

After you have written your biography, edit, edit, and edit again. You may need to do a dozen or so revisions before you get it just right. Eliminate extra words, use descriptive words, keep the sentences short but varied in length, and write in the third person. Ask some friends to provide input as well. Make sure to revise your biography regularly to keep it up-to-date and refreshed.

Copyright 2004 by Tara Alexandra Kachaturoff.

Top Ten Tips for Writing a Professional Overview or Biography

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Monday, January 9, 2012

Five Tips To Find The Best Online MBA Program

MBA is among the most popular business degree to earn online. The knowledge and the skill in the business administration field is important for people who work in business world, whether you are a self-employed boss or under employed in a corporate. Getting a MBA degree becomes easy and convenient with the available of online MBA degree programs. There are too many online universities and traditional brick & mortar colleges offer online MBA programs, sometimes it confuses you and you may find hard to decide one to enroll due to too many choices. Here are six tips that can help you to find the best Online MBA program that meet your goal.

Tip #1:

Mba Degrees

The best online MBA program must be accredited by an accreditation agency that is recognized by US Department of Education. Accreditation is important measurement of the quality of a degree program. With a proper accreditation, an Online MBA program is certified to meet a standard education guideline and most prospective employers place an emphasis on this point because it assures them that you will have the skills that meet the job position requirement.

Tip #2:

Most of students taking MBA program are employed full-time. Hence, the best online program must be able to provide the flexibility to adjust your schedule to fit into your busy time for work and family. A good online MBA program should be lenient in learning time, places and learning pace.

Tip #3:

When you enroll in an online MBA program, you will be assigned to difference online classes which monitor and mentor by online lecturer. The best MBA program shouldn't have too many students in one online class; this will cause the lecturer unable to give good attendance to all the students and gives a good learning guidance. 8-12 students per lecturer are a good ratio for online students to achieve a perfect learning environment with a good attention from the lecturer.

Tip #4:

The best online MBA program should have the best professors who have full of real experience in all aspects of the business world. While searching for the Best Online MBA program, remember to analyze the faculties and understand the school's academic approach. You can talk to the admission officer through online chat session (most online universities have their admission officer online to answer enquiries live) and get a detail understanding on who are the lecturers involve in teaching the online MBA courses, what are their academic background and experience in real business world.

Tip #5:

Look for the online university that offers online MBA programs has an established alumni program. An established alumni program will have a good networking between school and companies, which will help you to get a promotion or make a smooth career transition worldwide. The best online MBA program should counter in your career opportunities and provides you with career support services through free career seminars to guide you in your resume writing, provides you with tips for preparing interviews & etc. These career support services are important to help you jump-start your career or make a smooth career transition.


Getting a degree from the best online MBA program is important to ensure your degree have the maximum value in helping your career moves. Hope that the above tips will give you some guides in searching for the best online MBA program that best fit your educational and career goal.

Five Tips To Find The Best Online MBA Program

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Thursday, January 5, 2012

Advantages Of Having Online Degree

The current necessity and global tool, Internet, has changed the way of communication and advanced the media technology to unbelievable pace and excitement. Presently, it has been an alternative tool for career advancement and endless opportunities for getting a higher degree by earning an online degree. Majority of business schools and today's universities have been offering online courses and degree programs which definitely shows that it is getting popular as one of the hot choices for degree study.

Most of the course applicants belong to everyday employers, which certainly make them more difficult to attend educational institution and giving up their working hours to fit the timetable. With online learning, the physical barriers between school and student won't exist and you can connect to any school in different countries without any restriction no matter where you stay.

Mba Degrees

Certainly, the time schedule is flexible and suits your free time so you won't need to tackle both work and study at the same time. You can develop a free learning environment and take exams on your free schedule, which is more convenient compared to the traditionally classroom arrangement considering class availability and staffs.

Online courses including online MBA degree are self paced and orientated and give the students much more senses to develop and manage to their own interest, skills and ability. This type of customization will accommodate various learning styles and allows the best approach to study.

Those who works will know that time are money. Not only online degree capable to let you save on time, but also on expenses that will accommodate books, teaching materials, transportation costs, commuting, food and more. With online access, information and notes only available electronically and easily saved into notebook. Space will be much less used up too.

Believe it or not, but e-learning can provide an interactive learning environment for students with various personality types. In classroom condition, students tend to abide with their own character nature and won't allow equal access to group project, assignment or class discussion.

Online degree such as online MBA degree as every type of education has its advantages and disadvantages. The most important question is the value of this kind of distance learning and classroom environment learning. Anyway, the most important thing is whether we can obtain knowledge and benefits us in long term.

Advantages Of Having Online Degree

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Monday, January 2, 2012

Team Building - A Process For Increasing Work Group Effectiveness

Too often team building is one of those vague, misused terms managers call into play as a panacea for sluggish work unit performance. The rise in the popularity and use of team building has paralleled the growing perception of work as the output of teams of workers rather than as compartmentalized tasks on an assembly line. Field Research Findings, such as the ones carried out by the American Productivity & Quality Center during their white-collar productivity improvement, multi-organizational field research efforts clearly demonstrate the importance of effective team structures to the overall performance effectiveness of the knowledge/service worker.

The building of a team requires a great deal more effort than simply recognizing the interdependence among workers and work units. It requires, instead, several carefully managed steps and is an ongoing cyclical process. The team-building process presented in this article offers the members of a work group a way to observe and analyze behaviors and activities that hinder their effectiveness and to develop and implement courses of action that overcome recurring problems.

Mba Degrees

While the underlying purpose of team building is to develop a more effective work group, the specific purposes of the process will depend largely upon the assessment of information gathered during the initial data collection phase. Typically, team building will seek to resolve at least one of the following three issues:

1. A lack of clear goals and expected performance outcomes: Frequently, interview data from work group members reveal that their performance is generally directed by their individual (and often conflicting) performance goals. In that situation, the team-building model can be directed at establishing overall work group goals, which affect both individual and group effort and behavior, and, ultimately, the performance outcomes at both the individual, as well as the group level.

2. Interpersonal conflict and distrust: A lack of trust, supportiveness and communication not only slows down the day-to-day ability of a group to get work done, but also stands in the way of resolving the conflicts that naturally arise as the group makes decisions about its future efforts.

One way to overcome this is to focus on the work problems and improved interpersonal skills necessary for the team to work inter-dependently and more effectively to accomplish the task. In other words, the interpersonal data would be derived from the work context itself rather than from evaluations directed at individual personalities within the group. It is a concerted effort to uncover mutual needs and desired outcomes ... a Win-Win approach.

3. A lack of clear roles and leadership: Obviously, duplications of effort result in sub-optimum levels of productivity. But when initial interviews with work unit members suggest confusion over roles, the issues that surface may go well beyond task-specific problems. They may raise questions about who is providing leadership to the group, who feels empowered to act, what sources of power are being wielded and what interpersonal and inter-group relations underlie the group's effectiveness. When these issues arise, the team-building model uses group meetings to discuss and clarify members' roles and responsibilities - both prescribed and discretionary

Who are the "players" in the team building process?

On the surface, a "team" suggests a group of interchangeable individuals of equal status. But in reality, most workplace teams have a supervisor or manager charged with leadership and accountability for the group's performance. Consequently, the team leader plays an important and somewhat different role than do other members in a successful team building effort. Support from the leader is vital because if he or she does not recognize and accept the need for team building, it is unlikely that other members of the work team will be very receptive to the idea.

The Value and Role of a Facilitator-Coach.

In addition to the leader and other team members, successful team building calls for a third party participant in the process - a Facilitator-Coach, a professional with knowledge and experience in the field of applied behavioral science, but who is not a regular member of the team. This person may be an internal resource person in the organization or be someone from outside the parent company/organization..

There are several roles, which this Facilitator-Coach may perform in team building. Perhaps the most common and critical is that of third-party facilitator, a "gate-keeper." The Facilitator-Coach also trains and coaches the team in becoming more skillful in understanding, identifying, diagnosing and solving its performance problems. To do this, the Facilitator-Coach gathers data needed for the team to conduct its own self- appraisal and structures a "safe" environment that encourages team collaboration and consensus building. As a change agent, the Facilitator-Coach also serves as a catalyst to help bring about a greater degree of openness and trust and increased communication effectiveness.

Another role of the Facilitator-Coach is that of a knowledge resource person, assisting team members to learn more about group dynamics, individual behavior and the skills needed to become more effective as a team and as individuals.

The Facilitator-Coach should generally avoid assuming the role of the "expert." That is, the Facilitator-Coach's major function is not to directly resolve the team's problems, but to help the team learn how to cope with its own problems and become more self-sufficient. If the Facilitator-Coach becomes the controlling force responsible for resolving the group's difficulties, he or she has denied the team the opportunity to grow by facing and resolving problems confronting them.

What are the steps in the team-building process?

At the core of the process will be a a well-defined process that is made up of a series of structured experiences and events, ones that will be repeated over time, that have been designed to help the group build and sustain a cohesive, effective, and ultimately, a high-performing work team. This process requires carefully laid groundwork as well as long- term follow up and re-evaluation. And further, team building, to be successful in developing and sustaining high performance, must be viewed and accepted as being a "continuous" and on-going process, not an "event" driven activity.

Team building, from a systems perspective, requires several carefully thought out and managed steps and is clearly understood to be an ongoing cyclical process. The team-building process offers members of a work group a way to observe and analyze behaviors and activities that hinder their effectiveness and to develop and implement courses of action that overcome recurring problems. If successfully implemented, the team building process is integrated into the work team's day-to-day operations.

Assuming work group manager-leader and team members, after having an opportunity to become aware of what the team building process has to offer and requires of them, have indicated and voiced their support for the team building process, the first preparatory step is the introduction of the Facilitator-Coach to the team. Often this is done by the team leader during a regular staff meeting at which the Facilitator-Coach is introduced to the group. The role of the Facilitator-Coach is discussed as well as the process and potential benefits of team building.

In preparation for the kick-off of the team-building process, the Facilitator-Coach will then take responsibility for the next step - the gathering of data from each team member about the "strengths" and "weaknesses" of the team and barriers to effective team performance. This diagnostic phase will typically make use of questionnaires and/or interviews.

he use of personal interviews has several advantages. First, interviews provide the Facilitator-Coach a better understanding of the team, its functions and its problems. Second, interviews enable the Facilitator-Coach to develop rapport with team members and to begin to establish a relationship of openness and trust. Third, interviews provide the opportunity for each individual team member to participate in the identification of the work group's strengths and weaknesses. Finally, personal interviews are flexible. On the other hand, the less flexible questionnaire approach ensures that common areas will be covered by all team members.

After conducting the interviews or surveys, the Facilitator-Coach summarizes the information, which is to be fed back to the group during the team-building meeting. A useful way of presenting the comments is according to the frequency with which the items were
mentioned or accorded to major problem areas.

During the actual team-building meeting, the data feedback session becomes a springboard for the rest of the session's activities. With the assistance and support of the Facilitator-Coach, the group then formulates an agenda and decides on the priorities of the issues raised by the diagnostic phase.

Before the team-building meeting ends, action plans are developed which specify the steps the group will take in attempting to resolve specific problems.

What factors influence the success of team building?

Because effective team building is not a one-shot affair, a schedule of future team- building efforts needs to be established. For lasting change to take place, subsequent meetings will need to review the implementation of action plans and investigate additional problem areas.

As mentioned earlier, the support and commitment of the formal team leader (Work Group Manager) are critical to successful team building. His or her attitude toward the process has an obvious impact upon other team members. Furthermore, because discussion sometimes centers on the team leader's behavior, he or she has to be open to constructive criticism.

The leader must also fully understand team building, its time requirements and implications. The leader's own personality and leadership style influence the probability of the success of tear-n building. If the team manager is not comfortable with a participative style of leadership, team development simply will not work.

The other team members should also want to become involved in the effort and believe in its relevance. Otherwise, team building may be viewed as a ploy by the leader to pacify the team or simply as a substitute for effective management. Each individual within the group should be part of the effort and feel personally secure to participate in the process.

Since the team-building efforts may create a change in the relationship between the team and the organization, the support of executive management is also vital. The chances for a successful team-building effort are improved if the team has knowledge of any organizational constraints on the options for making changes within the team.

The timing of team building is another critical factor. If the team is experiencing turmoil or confusion over its direction (mission, goals, purpose, objectives, leadership, changes, etc.), the time could be ripe for team-building efforts to begin because the members may feel a need to establish what is expected of them. Thus, their receptivity to the process is often increased under such destabilizing conditions.

Finally, team building requires adequate time for the activities to take effect. Relatively large blocks of time and even changes in the work setting are sometimes needed for team building. Separation from the workplace during the initial team meeting phase of the process is frequently needed to avoid work pressures and interruptions and to help generate greater commitment and increased concentration from team members.

What are the results of successful team building?

The team-building process may affect several levels within the organization. First, the individuals in the team may become more sensitive to the impact of their behavior on the effective functioning of the team. More self-awareness may also lead to changed behavior patterns. For example, recognition by the team leader that he or she does not share leadership and decision making with others may provide the impetus to adopt a more participative style.

Second, team building may help team members realize that different and better approaches exist to the way the team operates and performs its work. Third, team building may affect the relation- ship of the group to the rest of the organization. For example, a team member may stop using other parts of the organization as scapegoats to hide his or her own inefficient operations. Ultimately, greater harmony among organizational units could well result.

Team Building - A Process For Increasing Work Group Effectiveness

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